Forza Horizon 5 | Das "Italian Automotive" - Pack wurde veröffentlich
thedoctor -
August 19, 2023 at 11:39 AM -
2 Minutes
Durch das neu veröffentlichte Italian Automotive Update für Forza Horizon 5 haben Spieler ab sofort Zugriff auf acht neue Fahrzeuge der Marken Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Fiat und Lancia. Weitere acht Fahrzeuge können in den kommenden Tagen und Wochen freigeschaltet werden.
Das kostenpflichtige Italian Exotics Car Pack sorgt bei Bedarf für weiteren Zuwachs im Fuhrpark.
Damit Spieler auch genug Platz für ihre Fahrzeuge, Tunings und Lackierungen haben, wurden die Kapazitäten deutlich erhöht. Für Fahrzeuge gibt es nun 2.000 Plätze, für Tunings und Lackierungen jeweils 1.000 Speicherplätze. Die Größe des Speicherstandes steigt durch die Änderungen um 2 GB an.
Neben den neuen Inhalten bringt das Italian Automotive Update auch eine Reihe an Fehlerbehebungen für Forza Horizon 5, die Fahrzeuge, Ladezeiten, das Auktionshaus, die allgemeine Stabilität und mehr betreffen.
Changelog Forza Horizon 5 "Italian Automotive" - Update
- Fixed an issue with the Auction House where sometimes last minute bid extensions were not functioning correctly (Bug ID 3904675)
- Fixed an issue with Icons Of Speed story where sometimes the drivatar was slowing down and getting ghosted at the beginning of chapter 1 (Bug ID 3901376)
- Fixed an issue where BSL video was missing from Icons of Speed chapter 4 outro (Bug ID 3896325)
- Improvements made to some instances where traffic was not synced for players in a convoy (Bug ID 3900324)
- Fixed an issue with Seasonal EventLab were blueprints downloads and usage were not getting counted correctly when participating in Coop/PvP modes (Bug ID 3397287)
- Fixed an issue in Seasonal Playground Games King Mode which had a total time of 10 minutes instead of 8 (Bug ID 3886012)
- General performance and stability fixes
- Improvements made to some unusual long loading times particularly on Windows Store PC clients before the start of the game window (Bug ID 3840750)
- Developer’s Notes: Some players might experience a long black screen after the Xbox Game Studios introduction video. We’re investigating this issue.
- Improvements made to some instances where the game client was crashing while booting the game (Bug ID 3904768)
- Fixed an issue where the unlocked framerate option would be hidden incorrectly (Bug ID 3899593)
- Fixed an issue with the 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX STI where the front bumper sticker could display some textures anomalies with some paints and bumper parts (Bug ID 3886816)
- Fixed an issue with the 1973 Ford XB Falcon GT where the side vents colours didn’t match the car’s body (Bug ID 3904714)
- Fixed an issue with the 1973 Ford XB Falcon GT where the speedometer was incorrectly displaying km/h instead of mph (Bug ID 3904712)
- 1956 ‚Barbie Movie‘ Chevrolet Corvette EV and 2022 ‚Barbie Movie‘ Hummer EV Pick-up have been added to the Autoshow (Available from August 15th)