F1 24 | EA Sports hat das Update v1.3 mit verbessertem Handling veröffentlicht
- Update
thedoctor -
June 7, 2024 at 10:19 PM -
0 Replies -
3 Minutes
"Wir haben in diesem Jahr bedeutende Updates an unserer Physiktechnologie vorgenommen, um uns für langfristige Fortschritte bei der Handhabung zu rüsten. Wie bei jedem neuen System werden wir es weiter verfeinern, indem wir auf unsere Community hören, und es während des Live-Services und darüber hinaus weiter verfeinern.
"Die Änderungen zielen darauf ab, die Frontpartie des Autos zu beruhigen und ein realistischeres Maß an Grip und Einlenkverhalten zu erreichen. Außerdem haben wir Anpassungen vorgenommen, die die Kontrollierbarkeit des Wagens beim Gasgeben verbessern werden. Diese Änderungen werden bei Spielern, die ein Lenkrad benutzen und ohne Assistenten fahren, stärker zum Tragen kommen." Lee Mather, Senior Creative Director
Zu den weiteren bemerkenswerten Änderungen gehören die Anpassung der KI an das veränderte Fahrverhalten, eine ganze Reihe von Optimierungen des Reifenmodells, der Schlupfkurven und mehr sowie die Anpassung der Teamleistung an die F1-Saison 2024. Infolge der Änderungen am Fahrverhalten wurden alle Bestenlisten für F1 2024 gelöscht, so dass Sie mit dem neuen Fahrverhaltensmodell Ihre besten Rundenzeiten von Grund auf neu einstellen können.
Changelog F1 24 v1.3
Handling Advancements
Following continued conversation with drivers of all levels, the team are pleased to share the following gameplay adjustments based on feedback received:
- Fixed tyre model response to rapidly changing slip angle/ratio
- Adjusted slip curves for post-peak falloff, load sensitivity, and camber effects to work with the slip response fix
- Tyre thermal model adjustments for high-temperature behaviour
- ABS, Traction Control, and gamepad controls tuned to suit the new tyre model
- Improved power unit balance in 7th and 8th gear
- Gear ratios matched to 2024 race data
- Revised suspension kinematics to reflect 2024 car designs
- Performance of several teams adjusted to fit results and changes seen in the 2024 season up to and including the Monaco GP
- ERS bug fix for MGU-K torque and new calibration of Hotlap mode energy use at all tracks
- AI in Career modes are now more likely to have component faults and failures during a race
- Fixed Two Player Career from sometimes skipping or getting stuck during Contract Negotiations
- Fixed an instance in Two Player career where both players restarting their game could cause a desync
- Fixed a rare instance in Two Player Career which could result in the wrong driver name being added
- After retiring from a race on the first lap the player's Pace statistic will no longer increase
- Fixed a rare issue where Specialists could incorrectly become unavailable in Driver Career
- When comparing drivers in between later seasons in Career, all drivers will be in their correct teams
- Improved the Agent Introduction Cinematic
- Improved Ray Tracing reflection quality
- Prevented dynamic objectives from sometimes having a deadline beyond the final lap of the race
- When a dynamic objective is given the MFD will now automatically open to the relevant page if available
- The Copy Livery screen now shows the correct colours
- Accessing the Casual Wear store from within a Driver Career will now always show a correctly modelled custom driver
- Fixed a rare occurrence where the player could flashback after Terminal Damage and all sectors of the track would appear red
- Visual improvements to some F1 24 & F2 23 vehicles
- More Carbon Fibre particles have been added during collisions in Replays
- Replay Camera improvements at several tracks
- Cinematic Safety Car Camera improvements at several tracks
- Fixed an issue with Race Engineer pitstop lines in various languages
- Commentators will no longer sometimes be silent after a race in some languages
- Removed some incorrect Engineer Audio which could play during a Cinematic Safety Car
- Added a fix to ensure that F1 World ability mods last the correct duration for players with a poor connection in multiplayer races
- Yellow Flags are now visible for retired Spectators
Handling (Other)
- The marginal increase in speed when partially driving on the grass has been eradicated
- A fix has been made to prevent extreme overheating of the tyres in certain conditions
- UDP Options have now been capped at 60Hz. Anyone who previously had this set higher will need to set it back to 60Hz
- Support added for the Asetek Invicta™ Direct Drive Wheelbase
- Some extra Casual Wear Customisation items have been added
- Various UI improvements in many areas of the game have been made
- General stability improvements
- Various minor fixes