RiMS Racing | RaceWard veröffentlichte das Update v1.3 für RiMS Racing
thedoctor -
September 21, 2021 at 8:03 PM -
1 Minute
Changelog RiMS Racing v1.3
- "Hide" function added in order to improved Inventory/Shop readability
- AI performances optimizations
- Improved icon readability in the Motorbike Mechanics section
- Improved HUD minimap colours
- Improved discount manager perk efficiency
- Autosaves logic has been reorganized in order to prevent save corruption issues
- R&D Management objectives are now reset correctly after a Career restart
- Fixed icon on Private Testing leaderboards
- Audio memory usage optimizations
- Fixed "The Star" description and unlock logic
- Custom joypad presets are now working as intended after booting the game
- Fixed a crash that occurred accepting an invite during an Online Challenge
- Fixed a crash that occurred accepting an invite during Career tutorial bike selection
- Minor graphical fixes on Million Dollar Highway track
- Fixed a text issue on the Anti-Wheelie explanation
- Fixed a specific crash occurring in the R&D Management area
- Custom joypad button configurations are now saved as expected
- Custom exhausts sound are now played as expected in the showroom area
- Several HUD and cockpits graphical fixes
- Fixed a crash that occurred on the Motorbike Mechanics scrollbar
- Loading screen hints counter now is working as expected
- Fixed ghost management when no ghost data is available on the leaderboards
- "Where there's a will there's a way" now unlocks as expected