NASCAR 21 | Update v1.2.5.0 bringt Thrustmaster-Support und einige Bugfixes
thedoctor -
November 18, 2021 at 7:42 PM -
6 Minutes
Es gibt mehrere Änderungen, von denen die wichtigste die Unterstützung von Thrustmaster-Lenkrad-Peripheriegeräten für verschiedene Modelle für Xbox und PlayStation sowie das T150 auf dem PC ist. Auf dem PC könnt ihr nun wieder den Logitech MOMO Wheel Shifter und den Fanatec CSW 2.5 mit V3 Inverted-Pedalen verwenden. Freuen Sie sich auch, denn Sie können die Lenkradtasten auch für Aktionen im Spiel wie das Boxenmenü verwenden.
Wenn Sie einen PC mit mehreren Monitoren haben, können Sie das Spiel jetzt auch im Fenstermodus spielen.
Auf der Rennstrecke wurden mehrere Probleme im Zusammenhang mit gelben Flaggen behoben. Die Empfindlichkeit der gelben Flagge auf den Speedways wurde verbessert und erscheint nun hoffentlich häufiger. Manchmal wurden Sie während einer Warnung auf Autopilot gesetzt, wenn Sie in die Boxengasse fuhren oder Ihr Auto nicht repariert wurde - beides ist nun beseitigt.
Das KI-Verhalten und die Formation während der Verwarnungen wurden ebenfalls verbessert, obwohl es einen Hinweis gibt, dass dies noch weiter optimiert werden muss.
Ein Hauptproblem war das Verhalten der KI-gesteuerten Rivalen bei einem großen Crash. Dies wird als " großes Hindernis" bezeichnet und theoretisch sollte die KI diese intelligenter umfahren.
Eine kleine Anmerkung: Vor diesem Patch reichte der Reifendruck von 10 PSI bis 99,5 PSI - eine außerordentlich große Bandbreite. Die Startdrücke sollen nun authentischer sein.
Was das Online-Gameplay angeht, so wurde Ghosting vor kurzem durch eine serverseitige Anpassung aktiviert, aber in den Patch-Notizen wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass in dieser Hinsicht noch mehr Arbeit geleistet wird.
Für alle Fans von "The Dinger": Der Gewinner der Indianapolis Road Course Cup Series, AJ Allmendinger, ist nun in der Fahrerliste enthalten.
Changelog NASCAR 21: Ignition v1.2.5.0
- Xbox Patch – v1.2.5.0
- PlayStation Patch – v1.2.5.0
- PC/Steam Patch – v1.2.5.0
- Added support for Steering Wheel buttons for in game actions (such as the Pit Menu)
- [PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T-GT Wheel
- [PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T150 Wheel
- [PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T300RS Wheel
- [PlayStation-only] Added support for Thrustmaster T500 Wheel
- [Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Italia Wheel
- [Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Wheel
- [Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Leather Edition Wheel
- [Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster Servo Base Wheel
- [Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TMX Pro Wheel
- [Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TMX Wheel
- [Xbox-only] Added support for Thrustmaster TS-XW Wheel
- [PC-only] Reinstated support for Logitech MOMO Wheel Shifter
- [PC-only] Reinstated support for Fanatec CSW 2.5 with V3 Inverted pedals
- [PC-only] Reinstated support for Thrustmaster T150
- [PC-only] Added support for multiple monitors, to use this feature please set the game to Windowed Mode
- Added AJ Allmendinger to the driver roster
- Fixed an issue that could cause the player car to unexpectedly slow down at Atlanta
- Fixed an issue that was causing the player to drive a lap under AI control at Martinsville
- Fixed an issue where the front splitter of the Camaro would roll around in sync with the wheels
- Fixed an issue that was causing driver numbers to look squashed in some resolutions
- Fixed an issue that would cause the game to reset the player’s default view
- Improved sensitivity of Yellow Flags, especially on Speedways
- Improved player and AI formation on rolling restarts after a Yellow Flag, additional refinement is needed
- Improved AI behavior determining need to pit after cautions, additional refinement is needed
- Fixed an issue that could cause autopilot to retain control of the player’s car if a Yellow Flag is thrown while the player is pitting
- Fixed an issue that was causing the player car to not be repaired after a Yellow Flag pitstop
- Fixed an issue that was forcing the players to pit if the pit menu was open as a Yellow Flag was triggered
- Adjusted the AI to better handle large obstacles on track such as accidents involving multiple cars
- Adjusted AI behavior after Yellow Flags
- Adjusted AI behavior so that they do not suddenly slow down when exiting the pit at Charlotte
- Fixed an issue that would cause AI to receive tire wear at an accelerated rate which resulted in too frequent pitstops
- Adjusted the maximum allowed tire pressure to be more realistic
- Adjusted damage settings to greatly reduce the frequency of encountering an issue that could prevent damage from being shown on the car after an impact
- Fixed an issue that was causing damage sustained in race to be carried over to the start of replays
- Adjusted the autopilot to be able to drive the player car with a burst tire when in the pit road
- Fixed an issue that could cause the player driver to float outside of the car during pitstop scenes
- Adjusted the Calendar so event names and logos no longer overlap
- Fixed an issue that was causing the wrong scheme to be shown during Career victory sequences
- Added initial implementation of “ghosting” feature to Online play, additional improvements to come
- Added a confirmation prompt when leaving an Online lobby
- Improved the length of the transition from the Datapad to the track in Online sessions
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Online exit prompt to be briefly unresponsive
- Fixed an issue that could cause players to see their own scheme as being incorrect in online games
- Fixed an issue that could prevent players from the joining their friends if they accept an invite from within another online session
- Significantly reduced the stuttering seen in certain camera views in replays
- Improved audio in replays so engine sounds and track placement sound more accurate
- Added NASCAR Race Car and Ford logos to the Paintbooth templates
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when adding a single decal to a custom car over and over
- Fixed an issue in the Paintbooth that could cause the wrong side of the car to be shown
- Fixed a corrupted window texture that would be shown on custom Toyotas during cutscenes
- [PlayStation-only] Fixed an issue that could cause saves to become corrupt when saving highly detailed custom vehicles
- Adjusted Menus in garage so that they can no longer disappear when looking around the car interior
- Adjusted the names of certain Audio options for increased clarity
- Fixed the Controller Vibration toggle, it is now possible to disable controller vibration
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the Pause Menu from being opened
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Skip Session button to load the same session when chosen before heading to track
- Fixed an issue that could result in the Online Hopper Menus overlapping the Main Menu
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the Pause Menu from being opened during qualifying sessions
- Fixed an issue that would cause duplicate controller inputs to be registered on the Online Menu
- Fixed an issue that could cause a dead state if the player chose to restart the session while shifting focus to the crew chief
- Fixed an issue that could cause UI prompts to disappear when the player chooses to restart a race while holding the Datapad
- Updated the localization for Online playlists
- Added several localizations for the Display and Controls menus
Quelle: Motorsport Games