AMS 2 | Reiza hat das Update v1.3.1.1 veröffentlicht
thedoctor -
December 9, 2021 at 5:55 PM -
1 Minute
Da sich die Veröffentlichung dieses Updates etwas verzögert hat, wurde der kostenlose Zeitraum für Racin' USA Pt1 & Pt2 verlängert, so dass sie bis zu dieser Veröffentlichung für alle AMS2-Besitzer kostenlos waren - sie sind jetzt nur für Besitzer eines oder beider Pakete verfügbar.
Changelog Automobilista 2 (AMS 2) v1.3.1.1
- Added Real Weather historical data for Cleveland & Watkins Glen
- Fixed instances where custom AI drivers would have the wrong nationailty
- Fixed an issue where all AI would have incorrect nationality in session results screen
- Fixed leaderboard not being enabled by default in cockpit view
- Added tyre wear and temp info to damage widget (this can be disabled by selecting the minimal version
- Equalised opacity across all tach/damage modes.
- Corrected engine layout UI info for Camaro GT4R & Copa Classic FL Fusca
- F-USA: Adjusted tire tread for both compounds; adjusted default gear ratios & added extra final drive options; increased aero drop-off with yaw; switched off downishft autoblip; adjusted pit stop rules & timing
- Made AI vehicles uncollidable earlier on pit entry
- Cleveland: Enabled standing starts & moved rolling start position 300m back
- Watkins Glen: Enabled standing starts & moved rolling start position 300m back; Added added watchtowers; start gantry, warning light poles, worn maps mapping for tirewalls/tecpro barriers, garages scoretowers, more buildings and gantry structures, tweaked startlight gantry, added startlight; Reworked T1 curbs to minimise issues with AI; Adjusted track limits to not allow running wide into escape roads