AMS 2 | Update v1.0.4.0 released
thedoctor -
October 3, 2020 at 7:34 AM -
6 Minutes
Das neue Update fügt mehrere Klassiker hinzu, bringt die beliebte Mini Challenge JCW, wie sie in der Königsklasse der britischen Mini-Serie ist, zwei Kartbahnen, neben dem üblichen Paket an Neuerungen, Korrekturen & Verbesserungen.
Eines dieser Features ist die anfängliche Überarbeitung der Einstellung der KOPFBEWEGUNG für Cockpit-Kameras (Umbenennung der früheren Einstellung in "WELTBEWEGUNG"), obwohl die Benutzer weiterhin die Möglichkeit haben, die ursprüngliche alte Kopfbewegung zu verwenden, wenn sie dies bevorzugen - bitte lesen Sie die Beschreibungen im Spiel, um mehr Details darüber zu erfahren, wie Sie diese Option am besten nach Ihren Wünschen konfigurieren können.
Changelog Automobilista 2 (AMS 2) v1.0.4.0
- Added 1960s Touring Car Series (featuring Lotus 23 & Mini Cooper S 1965)
- Added BMW M1 Procar Series
- Added German Group A Series (featuring BMW M3 E30 & Mercedes 190 Evolution
- Added Mini JCW UK Series
- Added Buskerud Kart Track (2 layouts)
- Added Speedland Kart track (4 layouts)
- Added Hockenheim 1988 Short layout (part of Hockenheimring DLC)*
- Added borderless window mode option (Perfromance Options Screen)
- Altered behaviour of helmet/cockpit cameras to prevent locking to world horizon and improve smoothing/damping of camera view
- Fixed issue where event date was not correctly set if host changed track via multiplayer lobby
- Added 'Start New Championship' flow; Added Select championship type, select vehicle/livery, Pre-allocate opponents Added championship specific AI Skill / Aggression settings to championship overview (can be adjusted mid season as desired
- Fixed clamping of range when validating Multiplayer AI difficulty setting on client.
- Added support to look backwards when pressing loo left / look right simultaneously
- Fixed "dummy" objects unintentionally appearing in reflections at higher settings.
- Player now retains control of steering/shifting during pitstops when 'Manual pitstops' setting is enabled.
- Fixed issue where sometimes player control was not restored after an AI controlled pitstop.
- Added Help text to advanced setup screen
- Fixed missing center suspension setting heading localisations
- Added help text for all setings (subject to further review/localisation adjustments)
- Changed 'WORLD MOVEMENT' to 'HEAD MOVEMENT' to reflect new functionality
- Adjusted showroom climate brightness
- Added French & Spanish localization options
- 'Waiting for host' message now also displayed after race sessions in multiplayer when appropriate.
- Changed 'EXIT' button to 'RETURN TO MAIN MENU' on post session leaderboard
- Added confirmation step when attempting to exit while waiting for host to return to lobby at the end of multiplayer events.
- Fixed incorrect activation states on Broadcast Control overlay toggles.
- Fixed menu mouse activations and highlight state throughout on Broadcast Control
- Added Start New Championship screen for championship and vehicle/livery selection (additional championships to follow)
- Replaced "Reset Championship" button with "Start New Championship"
- Entering championship mode now opens new championship page if no valid save is present.
- Limit AI Difficulty slider to 70-120%
- Max Grid Size and Max Human Opponents now allowed to be equal in http UI
- Replaced AllowableTimePenalty with AllowedCutsBeforePenalty and limit to correct range (1-50)
- Replaced open Salisbury-based open differential physics with more effective alternative;
- Further reduced differential lock per clutch setting
- Fixed CTD with Caterham Academy / Supersport
- Fixed F-V12, MP4-12, kart shifter & other unreleased cars missing latest minimal AI strentgh adjustment (being too slow below 100% setting as a result)
- M1 Procar: Revised tyre construction; Revised Suspension Geometry; Lowered engine inertia; Increased brake torque; Revised tyre constructio
- Adjusted AI lateral movement in initial launch off the line
- Reduced differential locking increment per clutch setting (all cars)
- Slightly adjusted kart tyre treads & FFB max force
- Slightly reduced F-V10 Gen2 AI tyre rolling resistance to better match player´s
- Onboard cameras now all use onboard sounds
- All cars revised for any persisting inacurate engine sound position (forward-rear, left-right)
- Added helictoper & drone sound effect (track dependent, where animation is present as sound effects are tagged to the respective objects)
- Puma P052: engine sound offset to side fixed, corrected small click in low-ish rpm loop.
- Kart 125 2T: increased internal engine volume slightly, external decreased slightly
- Camaro SS: increased external sound volume (both trackside and external on car views); fixed bad on-power low RPM samples overlap and general transition from idling to on-power.
- Ultima GTR Race: Adjusted filtering on external audio (trackside).
- Super V8: Adjusted SUB-frequencies over RPM range
- Puma P052 small adjustment to interior sound.
- Reworked treeline and grass blade shader, added few new types of grass blades & reworked existing ones.
- Reworked fog/haze shader with different exponent steps depending on angle you look at, so you can see the sunlit air when facing the sun
- Adjusted fog levels in heavy cloud/overcast setting for european tracks
- Added custom track animated objects (still WIP) to Spielberg, Kyalami and Buskerud
- Small art passes to Spielberg, Bathurst, Kansai
- Ortona: Fixed pit speed warning on track over 60kph; Added correct trigger for pit exit on layout 4;
- optimized track cut mesh
- Fixed VIR South hole after pit exit
- Silverstone 2020: Extensive performance pass
- Outon Park: Marbles test : less boxes (78->24), bigger boxes, 0.5-1.5 range, no brake zones
- Snetterton: Fixed some AI pit lane issues (hitting pitwall, driving onto grass at pitlane to main path merge)
- Adjusted textures; fixed some object LOD popping; Adjusted 100 layout pitlane/pitexit/trackcut to prevent a DQ in some cases
- Curitiba: Minor optimization & art pass; improved pit lane path merge to main path; remapped garage/pitbox locations; calibrated dynamic brake marker spacing
- Spielberg Historic:Restored road patch bumps; minor optimization pass; calibrated brake marker spacing
- Londrina: Fixed black treelines
- Imola 2001: Added period-accurate ad boards
- Silverstone 2020 Intl: Improved AI line.
- Added VR Spectator cams to Interlagos, Silvestone 2001, Bathurst, Hockenheimring, Imola
- Fixed objects popping in Spielberg, Silverstone 1975, Silverstone 2020
- Brasilia: Fixed several object LOD popping; Various object & texture adjustments
- Brands Hatch: Upgraded road seam & roadline shaders; Improved brake marker texture and spacing; Minor optimization pass
- Interlagos: Fixed object LOD popping; Upgraded road seam & roadline shaders;
- Imola: Fixed hole at Acque Minerali; closed some open edges between double sawtooth curbs; fixed some grass glitches; calibrated brake marker spacing; upgraded sign placement to latest references;
- Upgrade distance marker shader to rz_basic, rework sign placement based on recent reference video; moved start trigger 5m to align with pitwall starting gantry; added garage door collisions; relaxed road noise slightly; minor optimization pass
- Ortona; Minor Art pass; Added new AI paths for paddock area; Fixed broken UV4 groove mapping. Upgraded road seam & roadline shaders; ;New HUD track maps. Optimized track cut mesh; Added starting lights; Fixed wrong way/DQ bug from new paddock pit lane; Updated fast lines for layout 1 and 3; Minor optimization pass
- Guapore: Fixed various object LOD issues; Minor Optimization & art pass; Fixed some open edges; added animated drones
- Adjusted road noise for Guapore and Ibarra
- SuperKart: Updated liveries
- Added Stock Car 2020 dangling damaged parts
- Added Sprintrace dirt and damage effects + dangling parts
- Added Super_V8 dirt and damage effects + dangling parts
- Fixed Caterham Academy Driver & car animations