iRacing | 2022 Season 4 Patch 2 released
thedoctor -
October 13, 2022 at 7:56 PM -
4 Minutes
Ein Problem mit der automatischen Rennkontrolle, das beim Playoff-Rennen der eNASCAR Coca-Cola iRacing Series auf dem Bristol Motor Speedway auftrat, hält sich auch im zweiten Patch der Saison 2022 Saison 4 noch in der iRacing-Sphäre.
Die Störung beeinträchtigte die Playoffs so stark, dass die Rennleitung eine zusätzliche Woche zu den drei Rennen der Round of 10 einfügte, was letztlich den Ausschlag dafür gab, dass Graham A. Bowlin dieses Jahr um den Titel fährt und nicht Michael Conti.
Diese Panne hat offenbar zu einer gründlicheren Überprüfung des Bristol Motor Speedway im Allgemeinen geführt, und heute (13. Oktober 2022) wurde ein weiteres Problem mit dem Halbmeilen-Oval behoben, ein Problem, das in der Vergangenheit wahrscheinlich vielen passiert ist, ohne dass sie wussten, warum es passierte.
Speziell im Zusammenhang mit Position 24 in Bristol bei Pace Laps wurde manchmal fälschlicherweise eine Strafe für das Einfahren in eine geschlossene Box verhängt. Bei Rennen ohne menschlichen Rennleiter konnte dies für jeden, der davon betroffen war, eine kostspielige Panne sein. Jetzt sollte Bristol hoffentlich ein weniger fehlerhaftes Schlachtfeld sein.
Das Donnerstag-Update enthielt eine Reihe weiterer Korrekturen. Im Allgemeinen wurden kurze Strecken mit besseren Neustartverfahren aktualisiert. Eine Handvoll Straßenrennwagen, darunter Tourenwagen und der Porsche Mission R, erhielten einige Updates, die die Einstellbarkeit der Bremsvorspannung beinhalten. Schließlich wurden neben Bristol noch eine Handvoll weiterer Strecken wie Rudskogen und Zandvoort mit dem Patch verbessert.
Changelog iRacing 2022 Season 4 Patch 2
Race Control
At small tracks with very slow pace speeds the calculated green flag zone has been extended further back from the Start/Finish Line, leaving more time for race systems to calculate correctly.
- - This reduces the likelihood of triggering issues that could arise when the calculated green flag zone was only immediately adjacent to the Start/Finish Line, meaning that sometimes on restarts the leader could have crossed the S/F Line prior to the green flag, which could cause problems with scoring of laps, especially with the “Do Not Count Caution Laps” option enabled.
AI Racing
Fixed an issue with AI aggression where sudden and large steering inputs could occur when two or more AI Drivers were side-by-side on Road Courses.
Fixed an error with some AI Drivers ability to estimate fuel consumption.
For the Low Frequency Effects system, fixed an issue that could cause the full engine explosion LFE effect to trigger when any car engine exploded, not just the player.
Fixed an issue where the auto pit speed limiter was not disabling correctly during parade laps.
The auto pit speed limiter is now considered active during Test Sessions.
A new Mark Mode has been enabled that turns the camera into a measurement device.
- - Position the camera at the start of your measurement, hit Mark, and move to the end of your measurement and read out the X/Y/Z or direct distance (D) the camera moved.
Sporting Code
Several updates have been completed to the Official iRacing Sporting Code, including:
- - Information about TTRating has been added.
- - Language has been added informing users that they need to be prepared to submit evidence with every protest.
- - Adjusted information location and details about “Tanking” behavior for clarity.
<Car Class> Touring Cars
Brake bias adjustment range has been updated.
iRacing setups have been updated.
Audi 90 GTO
Fixed an issue with a duplicate car number on the hood for paint pattern #1.
Ford GTE
Fixed an issue where some headlight bulbs could go missing.
Honda Civic Type R
The units used to measure oil pressure on the dashboard have been updated from decibar to bar.
Lotus 79
iRacing setups have been updated.
Porsche Mission R
Brake Bias is now adjustable in the garage to the same degree in which it is adjustable in-car.
Skip Barber Formula 2000
For the New Damage Model, yield and break limits have been reduced for wheels and some body panels.
For the New Damage Model, tire tread and sidewall properties have been independently updated.
Bristol Motor Speedway
Fixed an issue where cars in position 24 at this track can sometimes get black flagged for entering closed pits when leaving the pits for parade laps.
Circuit Park Zandvoort
Fixed a bad pit-out merge checkpoint.
Daytona International Speedway
(2008 Configs) - Fixed an issue with some terrain pieces poking through environment objects.
Lucas Oil Speedway
Patched a seam in pitlane.
Road Atlanta
Patched a seam in the grass near the short course exit.
Removed some snagging monsters from gravel traps.
Rudskogen Motorsenter
Functionality has been added to the caution lights.
Sonoma Raceway
Removed a landmine from the apex of Turn 4.