DiRT 5 | Update der Amplified Edition v1.04 verfügbar
thedoctor -
November 5, 2020 at 6:17 PM -
1 Minute
Codemasters hat PC-Update-Patch v1.04 und Xbox One Update v1.03 für die Amplified Edition des Rennspiels DiRT 5 bereitgestellt.
Ein dem Update v1.04 ähnlicher Patch wird in den nächsten Tagen auch auf den Konsolenversionen erscheinen, mit geringfügigen Unterschieden zu den Patchnotes.
Changelog DiRT 5 (Amplified Edition) PC v1.04
- Multiple general performance improvements across the board, reducing instances of crashes, gameplay stuttering, and FPS drops, further optimizing general gameplay
- Fix for crash caused by signing out during a Gymkhana event
- Visual improvements to rain effects on the windshield when using interior camera views
- Display fix for rewards screen in the post-race menu
- Photo mode: minor fixes and optimizations
- Multiplayer: improvements in kicking players in the lobby who do not ready up for an event
- V-Sync added
- Added option to disable dynamic resolution
Changelog DiRT 5 (Amplified Edition) Xbox v1.03
- Further improvements to online matchmaking and connectivity
- Further performance improvements to split-screen functionality
- Fixed an issue with Gymkhana events not launching after the tutorial
- Fixed an issue causing crashes when switching between video quality settings
- Fix for screen tear instances
- Resolved issue causing a loss of audio when using some audio outputs
- General minor graphical, gameplay, and quality of life improvements across the board, including GPU and CPU performance improvements